Connect Slack for an Account
Integrate a Slack channel with your Safe account.
Last updated
Integrate a Slack channel with your Safe account.
Last updated
Follow the steps below to integrate a Slack channel with your Safe account.
Navigate to the Notifications -> Accounts under the Settings section. Here, you will see the list of all accounts within your organisation.
Click on the Connect button next to the account you wish to link to your Slack.
By following the steps mentioned in this article, users can configure Slack and Discord alerts for individual accounts to get transaction notifications. These alerts are account-specific, not for the whole organisation. Follow the article Connect Slack for an Org if you wish to set up org-level notifications.
Select your preferred notification channel. For this example, select Slack.
We recommend you have a dedicated channel for notifications for optimal organisation and clarity. Please set this up in Slack accordingly.
You will be redirected to Slack, where you'll need to grant access to your Slack workspace.
Choose the Slack channel where you want to receive notifications.
Authorise Coinshift to send messages to the selected Slack channel.
Navigate to Settings -> Notifications-> Accounts, to confirm the connection is established with the desired account.
You can now see the Manage button for the selected account.
Read this article to learn how to use the manage option to further control your notifications.