Active And Discarded Proposals
View and manage active and discarded proposals in Coinshift.
Last updated
View and manage active and discarded proposals in Coinshift.
Last updated
Users can follow the steps outlined below to access the list of Active or Discarded proposals within the Coinshift app.
Navigate to the Transactions section, where you will find the Proposals tab. The interface will resemble the provided screenshot.
The upper portion of the page displays a list of Active Proposals, while the lower portion houses the Discarded Proposals.
Please be aware that Coinshift incorporates Multi-safe and Multi-chain capabilities, enabling your dashboard to present a consolidated view of transactions from all Safes associated with your organisation across all supported networks under the Proposals, Queue, and History tabs.
Within the Active Proposal section, Signers are granted the ability to select proposals for either approval or rejection.
Following approval, the proposal will advance to the Queue, where it will be prepared for execution.