Token Portfolio Tracking (ERC-20)
Live balances in token and USD values across multiple accounts and multiple networks.
Last updated
Live balances in token and USD values across multiple accounts and multiple networks.
Last updated
View your entire on-chain treasury assets in real-time, across multiple accounts and networks that Coinshift supports.
Key insights provided by the token portfolio tracking section include
Aggregate balance, and breakdown of assets (stablecoins, ETH, governance/native tokens, and others)
Token balances per account
Token balances per network
Token balances per categories (i.e in stablecoins, ETH & BTC, others)
Last-fetched prices (real-time or near real-time)
Enhanced graphical and visual representations
Ability to hide tokens with USD balance < $0.01
Follow the below steps to understand and refine the portfolio data under various categories:
Navigate to the Portfolio section on your dashboard. Upon arrival, the interface will display the aggregate balance and breakdown of assets in stablecoins, ETH, and others by default.
The portfolio section offers four filtering options for users to further refine their organisation's data in each category:
Tokens view
Categories view
Accounts view
Networks view
To display data by token, choose the Tokens view option from the drop-down menu.
The application will present an overview of all assets within the portfolio, including network, current price, token balance, fiat balance, and percentage value.
Switch to the chart view to observe token statistics displayed in a bar chart.
To organise data based on categories (stablecoins, ETH & BTC, others), select the Categories view from the drop-down menu.
Click on the chart view to see the desired data in a bar chart format.
Choose the Accounts view from the drop-down menu to categorise data according to individual accounts.
This option provides a summary of each account, covering essential details such as account name, associated network, balance, tokens, threshold, and more.
To display the account information in a graphical format, switch to the chart view.
To organise data based on network holdings, select the Networks view from the drop-down menu.
This will showcase the organisation's data according to user holdings across various networks.
Similarly, you may opt for the chart view to visualise the organisation's data related to the different networks supported by Coinshift.
To view your portfolio data for specific tokens, utilise the highlighted option below to apply the desired filter.
Utilise the below-highlighted option if you do not wish to see the tokens with balances less than $0.01.
Read the next article to learn how to manually add additional tokens such as your project governance tokens.