Add Existing Safes
Add Safes to track assets, manage historical transactions and execute transactions.
Last updated
Add Safes to track assets, manage historical transactions and execute transactions.
Last updated
Add one or more existing Safes and complete your onboarding.
Follow these steps to add an existing Safe to your organisation on Coinshift.
In the Add Accounts section, select the Add Existing Safes option. A list of automatically detected Safes linked to your wallet will appear. Select the check box adjacent to the desired Safe. You can select as many Safes as you want.
At this step, you can also find the Add More Safes option (highlighted in the above screenshot). Optionally, incorporate read-only Safes by using this feature, and track their activities.
Adding more Safes is an optional step, and you can skip it if you want.
To add more Safes, click on the Add More Safes button and enter the following details for the Safes:
Safe Address
Name (optional)
Use the Add More button (highlighted below) to add as many Safes (read-only) as you want.
After entering the mandatory details, click on Confirm.
Examine the wallet addresses of Safe Signers associated with Safe. Optionally, extend invitations to Members for joining the Safe via the Add More Members function (highlighted in the below screenshot).
Adding a Member is an optional step, and you can skip it if you want.
To add more Members, click on the button highlighted in the above screenshot. Next, enter the wallet address of the Member whom you wish to add. Add additional Members if necessary by using the Add More button (highlighted below).
Once done, click on the Confirm button.
Review the summary of the Safe, including its address, threshold, network, and Signers’ addresses.
Click on Import X Safe to confirm and complete the import where [X] corresponds to the number of Safes being imported.
Once done, you will be redirected to the Overview section of your Coinshift dashboard. Verify the added Safe in your organisation via the Accounts tab.
After integrating an existing Safe, you can explore the following additional Coinshift features to enhance your experience.
Migrate Data from Coinshift v1 to v2
Choose this option if you have imported an existing Safe from v1 and now wish to migrate the associated data into v2.
Create a New Safe
Check this article if you want to create a New Safe for your team.
Add Signers
Check this article if you wish to add more Signers to a Safe.
Add Members
Read this article if you want to add more Members to the Safe.