Create a New Safe
Define a Safe and store your organisation's assets.
Last updated
Define a Safe and store your organisation's assets.
Last updated
Coinshift Create a New Safe feature enables you to create a new Safe for your team across various networks the application supports.
Manage multiple Safes across multiple blockchains all housed in one organisation and view them on one intuitive, unified dashboard.
Follow these steps to create a new Safe on Coinshift.
After selecting the Create a New Safe option from the Add Accounts section. Fill in the required parameters:
Safe Name (optional)
List of Signers
Threshold (the minimum number of Signers required to approve a transaction)
The Safe will automatically consider the connected wallet address as one of the Signer addresses.
Use the Add More option to add more Safe Signer addresses if required, and define the threshold for the Safe.
Optionally, add Members to the organisation by clicking the Add More Members button.
Adding a Member is an optional step, and you can skip it if you want.
If you wish to add Members, click on the button highlighted in the above screenshot. Enter the wallet address of the Member whom you wish to add. Click on Add More button (highlighted below) to include additional Members to the Safe.
Members added at this stage are not Signers and hence they are not allowed to approve or execute transactions.
Select the Safe Signers and Members to whom you wish to send invitations.
Review the details, and confirm by clicking the Create button.
Confirm the transaction triggered from your linked Metamask wallet.
You will be directed to the Overview section of your dashboard.
To view the newly created Safe details, navigate to the Accounts section of your dashboard.
Your Safe address will be different from your wallet address.
Invitations are sent to other Members/ Signers to join the Safe. View the list of invited Members/Signers in the Members section of the dashboard.
For transferring assets to your Safe, refer to the instructions given in the article Transfer Assets To Your Safe.