
An explanation of the key terms used in the Coinshift docs.

Browser Wallet

A cryptocurrency wallet that is accessible through a web browser or mobile app.


An alias for any wallet or smart contract address. Instead of having to recall what an address is associated with, you can create a contact that is stored in an address book on Coinshift. This reduced the risk of erroneously sending funds to the wrong address.

Hardware Wallet

A cryptocurrency wallet that stores a private key in offline mode.


A field that helps you classify a transaction and can be used to define the accounting treatment.


Members are users of your organisation who are not signers on a Safe. Invite anyone to join the Safe as a Member with restricted access control. These users can create proposals and view reports, historical transactions, etc.

Off-chain transactions

Transactions stored on Coinshift infrastructure awaiting to be submitted to the blockchain.

On-chain transactions

Transactions verified by network validators and recorded on the blockchain.


An organisation on Coinshift represents a project, DAO, or crypto-native organisation.


An off-chain transaction that is created before being executed on-chain. Read more about the benefits of using proposals here.


The sequential on-chain approval/rejection queue for Safes.


A multi-sig smart contract that requires approval from the least number of Signers to execute a transaction.


A multi-sig such as Safe is controlled by one or more Signers.

Stream payments

A revolutionary new way to interact with money. Set up a money stream to transfer funds by the second. Automate payments and perform dollar-cost averaging for payroll, investments, vesting, and more.


The number of approvals required to be able to execute an on-chain transaction for a Safe.

Transaction History

A list of transactions (successful or failed) across all supported networks (chains) on Coinshift.

Last updated