Discord: Adding Coinshift Roles & Bot to private channels
Configuring Coinshift notifications in private Discord channels.
Last updated
Configuring Coinshift notifications in private Discord channels.
Last updated
If you want to receive notifications related to Safes in a private Discord channel, you must grant the necessary permissions to both the Coinshift Roles and Bot.
Follow the steps below to enable permission to receive notifications in a private Discord channel.
Navigate to the Discord channel that you have integrated with your Coinshift organisation or account.
Click on the channel's Settings icon (highlighted in the below screenshot). Once inside the settings, go to the Permissions tab.
Look for the Add members or roles button and click on it.
The below window will appear. Search for and select both the Coinshift Roles and Bot.
After following these steps, the Coinshift Bot should be able to send transaction notifications to your private Discord channel.
If transaction notifications aren't appearing in your selected private channel after integrating the Coinshift Roles and Bot, then navigate to the Advanced Permissions section within the interface.
Here, within the TEXT CHANNEL PERMISSIONS, ensure the Send Messages parameter is appropriately configured, marked either by a "/" or "✅", for both the Coinshift Roles and Bot.