🛄Filter Transactions

Explore the advanced filtering options for transactions.

Use the filter options available in the History tab of Coinshift for easy and accurate transaction data analysis. Coinshift's advanced filtering system allows you to refine transaction data based on two key criteria:

  • By Account

  • By one or more fields

Employ these filter options individually or in combination for a more targeted data output.

Filter Transactions by Account

To access account-specific data, click on the Accounts button (denoted by red in the below screenshot).

This action opens up the associated accounts and their corresponding networks. Choose the desired account by checking the box adjacent to its address.

Upon applying the filter, the transaction data will be updated to reflect your selection.

Refine Transactions by One or More Fields

To filter the data based on one or more fields, click on the More filters button (denoted by red below) located under the Transaction section-> History tab.

A window will appear on the right side of your screen, requesting filter values corresponding to the following criteria:

  • Date Range (optional)

  • Token (optional)

  • Label (optional)

  • Transaction Type (optional)

  • Transaction Mode (optional)

  • Status (optional)

Input values for any of the designated fields and click the Apply Filters button to update the transaction data accordingly. Utilising these advanced filtering options will enhance your organisation's efficiency and time management.

Last updated