ℹ️Adding a Safe as a Non-Signer

Add Safe in read-only mode and monitor its activities.

Coinshift provides users with the ability to monitor Safe's transactions and balance without granting permission to initiate or sign transactions.

By adding a Safe as a Non-Signer, users can access the Safe in a read-only mode, which allows for efficient tracking of Safe activities.


All three prerequisites must be satisfied before adding a Safe as a Non-Signer.

Follow these steps to add a Safe as a Non-Signer:

Step 1: Accessing add existing Safes option

Go to Add Accounts -> Add Existing Safes. You will see the below screen.

Step 2: Entering Safe details

Click on Add More Safes (highlighted in the above screenshot). A window will appear where you must enter the following details for the Safes:

  • Network

  • Safe Address

  • Name (optional)

Step 2. a: Adding multiple read-only Safes

Use the Add More button to add multiple Safes (read-only) for the same or different networks.

For example, we have added four Safes with each one associated with a distinct network among the variety of networks supported by Coinshift.

Once done, click on Confirm.

Step 3: Deselecting Safes (if any)

The application will display the list of added Safes. Deselect any Safes you do not wish to track and click Next.

Step 4: Inviting Members

Optionally, you can invite Members to join the organisation at this stage.

Step 5: Reviewing Safe summary and importing Safes

Review the summary of the Safe, including its address, threshold, network, and Signers’ addresses.

Click on Import X Safes to confirm and complete the import where [X] corresponds to the number of Safes being imported.

Step 6: Verifying added Safe in Coinshift dashboard

Upon completion, you will be redirected to the Overview section of your Coinshift dashboard.

Verify the added Safe in your organisation via the Accounts tab.

Last updated